Time for an Epic Adventure to a Foreign Country.
Mayne Island, Part I
View Car trip to Mayne Island in a larger map
And before you go on an Epic Adventure
to a Foreign country, you have to prepare.
A good way to prepare is to make a
- Passport
- Chargers for iPhone
- Will iPhone work in Canada?
- Buy some minutes
- Extra Blanket
- Charger for MacBook
- How to charge in camp?
- Order 12V charger.
- Test Camp stove
- doesn't work
- Test other camp stove
- Set up Tent
- Because if the stove doesn't work, why would the tent?
- Fix holes in tent
- Buy food for trip.
- But don't get produce.
- Hell, might as well buy in Canada.
- Passport
- Extra Batteries for flashlight
- Flashlight
- Spare Flashlight
- Tarp
- Ropes for Tarp
- Medicines
- Dry Suits
- Booties
- Paddles
- Maps
- Printed Reservations and Maps
- Cause you won't have Data.
- From the Internets.
- Passport
- ok, little paranoid about this.
- Bow and stern tie downs for boats.
- Boats.
- Probably won't forget a big fraking boat, for god's sake.
- Cameras.
- Ice Chest
Enough already. Hope I don't forget my
So everything goes into plastic chests
or duffle bags and sits in the garage and tries to figure out how in
the hell it is ever going to fit into my Subaru Forestor. Oh yeah.
- Get Subaru Forester Axel fixed.
There is a lot of stuff. Luckily we
have that new Rocket Box that we got over the summer. This is one of
those long skinny roof rack boxes that fits on the rails on top of my
car and has space for the paddles and all of the kayak stuff. Saves a
lot of room in the car.
We finally get everything stuffed into
the car and get the boats up on top. In the state of Washington, you
are required to have your boat secured with bow and stern lines that
tie down to your car and are an added protection to keep your boats
from flying off into the night. I have gotten used to not using these
things when I drive around Oregon, but since we need them for the
transit of Washington (because Canada turns out to be North of here)
I go ahead and tie them up and secure them with good Eagle Scout
taut line hitches. Cause you don't want loose ropes flapping in the
wind, no no no.
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Loaded up and ready. |
10:00 in the AM on a Thursday and all
is prepared, so off we go. Oh, gotta stop at the grocery store for
snacks. And off we go.
We planned this pretty good. We will
exit the Portland metro area at slack traffic and get all of the way North through Seattle before rush hour starts. A good thing. Seattle
is a pain during rush hour (which starts at like 3:00).
We are humming right along (speed limit
is 70 in Washington. Probably why they make you tie your boats down)
when we hear this funny clump sound. The car jumped a little bit and
it felt like we had run over a empty but inflated paper bag. Strange.
I didn't see anything in the road out of the rear view mirror. We
looked around and didn't see anything going on. So we continued on.
We played some music. We sang some songs. We had to go Pee.
There is a rest area. I pulled off of
the road and then, just as I turned into the parking space at the
rest area, BOOOOOOM, the boat pulled right off of the car on the
passenger side. Holy shit! It broke the J craddle right off the
roof. What the Hell? Man, are we lucky that didn't happen 10 minutes ago
when we were going 70 down the highway. We got out to look at it. The
J rack was trash. Shit. The boat was dented in and bent over. We
loosened the straps and got the boat down. That was when this guy
walked up to us.
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My partner thought of how to re-rack the boats |
“I saw you guys were dragging a line
when you passed me back there. You must of been dragging it down
the highway. When you turned into the stall, you ran over the line
and that pulled everything down”
Shit. I took a look and that is just
what happened. Good thing he told us or we probably wouldn't have
figured it out. Far as I can tell, what must have happened is that my
Eagle Scout knot came untied and the loose end went under the wheels
(on the freeway). It tugged and that was what we felt when we “ran
over the paper bag”. Somehow that made the hook on the car come
loose and that pulled all of the way up through the rachet to the
boat. Now we had a really long line dragging under the car, but it
didn't get caught on the wheels again as long as we were going fast
and essentially straight. But when we turned hard into the parking
slot....... BAM !!
Now. How am I going to fix this? I was
thinking about exotic ways to use parachute chord to wrap and frap
the J back onto the wrack when my partner pointed out that we could
just slide the rocket box over and mount the boat on the other side
of the other set of J's. She is so smart.
So we did that. And we tied the bow and
stern lines up VERY carefully (actually, she did it as she was no
longer trusting me) and off we go. We still got through Seattle
before the rush hour started.
The Bluest Skies I've ever seen, are in Seattle |
We wanted a place to stop for some gas
and a little walk before we hit the Canadian/US border and since I
was driving, we decided to stop in Fairhaven. Fairhaven is a little
town right next to Bellingham and also happens to be the home port of
the tall ship Zodiak. I took a trip on it once and wrote a cool but mainly unread blog.
Here is a fun fact about Fairhaven. For
a few years it was thought that Fairhaven might be the terminus of
the Transcontinental Railway. So there was a lot of building and
immigration and speculation and such. When that fell through it
started one of the towns many declines. At another time, Fairhaven
had the largest Salmon Cannery in the world. They had good access to
local coal and timber, which for some reason was important to Salmon
Canning. Perhaps for running the machinery or the engines on the
fishing vessels?
This entire wall is a mural. Even the Artist |
Today, Fairhaven is a quaint little
tourist trap with nice historic buildings and a wonderful public park
and very friendly citizens. There is also a B&B I want to spend
the night in sometime once I convince my partner to ride the train up
to go on an adventure on Zodiak. Wow. Like that will happen.
Fairhaven/Bellingham is just a stones
throw from the border, and we got there right around 5:30. Rush hour.
But I guess we already had our one major snafu for this trip as the
border wait was just 3 cars. (5 minutes) and the border guard wanted
nothing more from us than to make sure that we didn't have any guns
“for self defense” and that I had human eyes underneath my dark
sunglasses. And do NOT say the following, “No Officer, all of my
guns are for strictly offensive capability”.
You are Canadian, Not you are? |
The big timing trick on this trip was
to catch the BC Ferry over to Mayne Island (the South Channel
Islands). There is a ferry in the morning and a ferry in the evening.
If you catch the Evening ferry, you get to camp after dark and have
to deal with the setting up of tents and carrying of stuff in the
dark. If you leave in the morning, you sort of need a place to sleep.
I had originally pushed to stay at that B&B in Fairhaven.....
but, if you want to catch a 10:20 Ferry. And you need to be there an hour early. And you are 1 hour from the ferry, and the Wait
at the border can be an hour or more. And you need to buy Groceries
IN CANADA (so as not to be stopped and searched at the border). It
means you need to get up at like 6:00 and hoof it. That doesn't sound
good. So we found a cheap place in Tsawwassen (pronounced Tsawwassen)
right next to the Tsawwassen Ferry landing. What a deal. We stayed
at the Coast Tsawwassen Inn.
The Coast Tsawwassen Inn. I want to put in a plug for them. They had perfectly reasonable nice rooms (with a
seperate sitting room that would be great to put the kids) and a pool
and hot tub. They had a pretty good continental breakfast (with Home
made Egg McMuffins) and there was a very nice little public house
(called a “social house”) attached which had some good food and
big TVs. We stayed there. This is also where we realized.
- Pillows
- Dammit !!! I forgot Pillows !!
And we didn't realize until the morning
and it was time to GO GO GO. But I was thinking, hey, they must have
a lot of old pillows here at the hotel. Maybe they will give me a
good deal on a couple. So I went to the desk to ask. The nice lady
there talked to house keeping. But, sadly, they had a pillow shortage
and could not afford to sell us any. However, if we were coming by in
a few days they would be happy to loan us a couple. Wow. What a nice
thing for hotel to do. What a GREAT SERVICE ORIENTED place. Go to
Canada. Stay at the Coast Tsawwassen Inn. Tell them Recycled Hiker
sent you.
But I get ahead of myself. When my son
and I traveled in Japan a couple of years ago, one of the things we
noticed was the subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) little
differences in a grocery store that seemed to tell you a lot about a
culture. We decided that grocery store visiting in foreign cultures
was an important part of any visit to a far and strange land.
And so it is in Canada.
My partner and I went to this strange
land (you know, my kayak partner and I are getting married next week
and she still won't let me use her name in the blog. What do you
think about that?) and we investigate the local grocery store for our
weekend supplies. We discovered some important things about the
Northern Culture:
- All Canadians are young, blonde, and skinny. Especially the men.
- You can't buy beer in a grocery store.
- Though I hear you can do that in Texas.
- Are you from the states?
- You can't buy a “healthy” sausage. Like chicken and apple.
- No, never heard of it.
- That is funnier than trying to buy beer.
- You can select from a HUGE selection of cheese stuffed sausages. 4 major brands with cheese cheese and more cheese.
- How come the Canadians are so skinny?
- You also can't buy pool noodles in a grocery store.
- Perhaps in the Dollar store across the street.
- Note: they don't call it a Canadian Dollar store.
We later found a liquor store to get me
some beer for the weekend. It was a bit pricey (even in Canadian
Dollars) but I did find a Powell's IPA. So, there you have it.
As detailed earlier, we had a wonderful
dinner and night's rest. We even slept in a little, since we were only
10 minutes away from the Tsawwassen Ferry.
The road that our hotel was on was 56th
street through Tsawwassen. That rode runs a few more blocks South and
then changes it's name. You know why it changes it's name? Because it
suddenly becomes an American Road. You run into a unique little
piece of national boundary topology called a pene-enclave. And
enclave that is on a peninsula. This is Point Roberts. This is a
little piece of the USA that is only reachable from other parts of
the US by boat, air, or driving through Canada. I wish I had known
about it while we were there, I would have visited. I gather that the
economy of the place is based on driving back and forth across the
border at different times when the different state's liquor stores are
And so..... off to the Ferry.
Wow. This is an experience that I was
not expecting. I thought there would be a driveway and some boat
would come up and we would drive on. Perhaps with 30 or so other
people. Ha!!! The BC Ferry is a big deal. Start with a man made
peninsula that's sole job is to take cars out to deep water and then
give them a LOT of parking room so they can queue up and wait for the
many ferries that are running all of the time out to Vancouver
Island, Salt Springs Island, or the other myriad of small South Channel
I didn't expect to be swept up in the
technology of the ferry event, but I was. Oh, I was. Let's start with
the “pulling up to the booth”. You come in and pull up to the booth and you tell them where
you are going and give them your reservation. We were a over 7' car
with 2 adults (7 foot? Pretty sure they said 7 foot. Not 2.1 meters).
We were going to Mayne Island. The skinny blonde Canadian man
verified our reservation, made sure there were only 2 people in the
car (though we could have hidden a few in the kayaks and under the
camping stuff) and told us to go to lane 17. There were like 30
lanes. Some of the lanes are going to different islands, some have
different classes of vehicles (big trucks, smaller cars). Our lane
consisted of one other car that had kayaks on the top and just
happened to be two other people going on our trip. What a surprise!!
Because my partner's partner is such a
stress head when it comes to schedules, we were in our assigned
waiting place like an hour before we could possibly get onto the
Ferry. Just a little later than the people in line in front of us. So
we grabbed our raincoats and we headed over to the (required by the
laws of physics) shopping strip. What fun!! It was out of the rain,
warm, and filled with interesting gadgets, clothes, and Chinese. It
was the first time that I have had the chance to see the phenomena of
rich Chinese tourists out touring and shopping. They were on their
way to the islands (natch) and it was raining, so they were looking
at high quality Columbia Rain Coats. The darling old Chinese ladies
were holding up the rain coats and trying them on and talking a mile
a minute. And the Canadian clothing outlet was, of course, staffed
with Chinese Canadian sales persons that spoke Chinese and were doing
a good job of explaining the superior Columbia Rain Coat technology
to the very interested customers. You could tell that this must
happen all of the time. And the funny part? Everything they were
looking at was (once again, of course) manufactured in China. So why
do rich middle-class Chinese tourists come to America (Oh, Dammit,
Canada) to buy Chinese merchandise? Surely it must be much cheaper to
buy it at the Columbia Store in Shanghai. I asked this of a Chinese
co-worker once. She said that she wouldn't trust the merchandise she
could buy in China because so much of it is cheap counterfeit and
there wasn't any dependable checks and balances on what was sold.
Come to Canada. They have Dependable Checks and Balances. And Hockey.
(oh, and Starbucks).
Back out to the car at the appropriate
loading time only to sit and wait. We were running late. Evidently an
unusual occurrence. A big Ferry came in. Another Ferry loaded and
left. Now the cars around us start to move. Doesn't matter too much
when you get there, you are getting on the Ferry if you have a
reservation, and the time you get there doesn't necessarily impact
your boarding time. Especially if you are in a oversize (or height)
vehicle as these have to board close to last. We watched a long line
of compact cars roll down the road, single file, before we finally got
moving. We followed the guys in front of us down the tarmak and
around the corner and around another corner and then a sharp right,
and there was the Ferry loading ramp. The huge front doors of the
Ferry were swung open and the ramp is lowered. The door was large
enough to drive a large truck through (and then some).
And now the second piece of logistics.
There are a few kinds of ferries. The smaller ones (and the REALLY
BIG ones) are double ended. They are pretty much symmetric with
control bridges and loading ramps on both ends (bow and stern? Bow
and other bow?). But the middle sized vessels only have a ramp and
control bridge on the Bow. I guess this makes sense, must be a lot
cheaper to create a vessel with just the one set of things. But....
how do you efficiently get the cars on and off if they are all facing
in the wrong direction? The answer is...... math !!
We are parked starboard, picture taken from amidships |
Picture from our Car. Note the second level of parking |
We entered on the port side of the
vessel (which is the right side if you are facing aft) and circle
counter clockwise (which is anti-clockwise if you are facing Canada)
around the stern. There are 4 rows of cars on each side of the boat.
The 2 rows on the port side were already loaded, the cars facing the
bow. We drove past them and then cross over the stern to the
starboard side where we are now facing front ourselves and parked in
the outer row starboard. See how it works? They would first load the
inner rows by having the cars circle around the back. Port circle to
starboard, starboard circle to port. Then they would load the outer
rows on the starboard side. The final cars that come in on the port
will be facing aft. They can't fix that, but those cars will be the
ones that unload last and they can circle around after the rest of
the ferry is empty. That is so cool. I will make a diagram. Just to
make it a little more like a 3D tetris puzzle, the two inner most
rows on both sides have girder parking built over them and little
cars are directly up ramps to park above. Sort of like a double layer
parking for compacts.
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My Ferry Diagram. Bow is the bottom. We drove on there. |
The really hard part? This ferry makes
3 or 4 stops before its terminus. At each stop some cars are going to
get off and other cars are going to get on. How do you make sure that
the cars that need to get off were loaded in such a way that you can
easily get them off a the right place? Remember that you can't move
the cars that are getting off at another place because their drivers
and keys will be up in the passenger compartments that I haven't told
you about yet having scrambled eggs for breakfast. (I did not see a
bar). I am sure that the answer is a fascinating set of loading
equations that used to take 2 years to learn to become a “master
loader” (perhaps purser) but are now reduced to an Apple iphone ap
“Load Master” that costs $2.99 (American). (as an aside, I am
offering a special prize to anyone that can determine where in the
above writing I went off and got my second cup of coffee for the
Anyway. We park our car and exit across
the myriad of other parked card (100?) and head up the stairs to the
passenger level. Travel by boat is a lot more comfortable than travel
by plane or train. More room. Less hurry. No luggage (as it is all in
the car). We wandered around a bit because my partner understood that
I needed to see everything. The Technology!
This is similar to the Ferry we were on. This one has had a another deck added. |
Let's go find out what kind of ferries
they have at BC Ferries. I counted 4 types during the trip. What can
I find on the internets?
The Ferry we were on was the MV
Queen of Nanaimo. She was
originally a V class vessel, but when her sisters were ripped in two
and made higher, they changed her class to Burnaby. They did an awful
log of changes to these things. Originally the V (Victoria) class
ships were the backbone of the fleet and they came into service in
the 60s. They were all cut down the middle (amidships) to lengthen
them to hold more cars. Later some of them were cut down the other
center (left to right) and raised for even more cars. Interesting to
think that making that kind of alteration is cheaper than building a
new boat. The current QON can carry around 1163 passengers (and
crew) and 192 cars. Wow. The really large (double ended) Ferries are
the the S (spirit) class. They carry 2000 people and 450 cars. But
the pictures I see are not double ended. More research. Oooh. The
Coastal class is the double ended ones. They carry 1600 passengers
and 370 vehicles. They are more modern and go a little faster than
the Spirit class (though all of these things do around 20 knots). I
will remember to add pretty pictures, no doubt.

spaces are large and open. Big rows of seats, for the most part. Some
near the big windows were in high demand. This was mainly because it
was raining. There was plenty of nicer seating out on the deck (but wet
today). Amidships there was also a room with game tables and movable
chairs. These spaces were filled with seasoned travels that knew what
to expect. They brought games and picnic baskets. A large number of
these tables were filled with the aforementioned Chinese tourists.
Curious that they would know to bring their picnic baskets and
inscrutable board games. (something evidently called “Cribbage”,
played with wooden pegs and square things that looked remarkably like
American playing cards). There was also a gift shop and a very nice
cafe. We had a sandwich and continued to wander around the vessel for
the 40 minute ride over to the islands.
first stop was Guliano island (Sturdies bay). This is an island that
is larger than Mayne, and has a lot more tourist trade, but since
it's deep water port is ackwardly placed for servicing the other
channel islands (you have to go through Active Pass to access it)
they haven't built a large “transfer” terminal there. So on the
way out we just stopped for a quick load and unload. I watched this
process from the passenger decks outside, which means I saw nothing
because all of the loading and unloading was going on from the bow.
Sturdies Bay. Galiano Island Ferry Landing. |
But we
backed out soon enough and then began the fascinating transit of
Active Pass. Active Pass is the break of water between the islands of
Mayne and Galiano. But more importantly, it is one of the few places
that the ocean tides can flow between the straight of Georgia and the
waters surrounding the south channel islands. So when the tide is
running, all of the force of the tidal flow, has to move between
these few little openings. So Active pass becomes a very tumultuos
(and, for kayakers, Dangerous) stretch of water for most of the day.
For a big fast moving ferry, it becomes a short narrow shipping lane
with currents that are pushing you around and 2 very tight corners to
negotiate. Two very tight corners that the Captain negotiated with
aplomb. We came up to cruising speed (20 knots) right as we left the
Ferry port. My partner and I were out on the deck to watch. The
Captain (a woman) came on the loud speaker system and said something
that I didn't quite make out but sounded like “Attention
passengers, we are about to blow the something something, could cause
something damage”. Now what was
hurt. Why didn't you fracking warn me you were going to blow that
fracking horn? Oh. You did. God Damnit that was loud. Ahh. OK. She
only caught me unawares that way like 3 times. That horn, by the
way, is to warn kayakers and other small boat craft that a big
fracking vessel is coming down that small channel. Cause you can't
see from end to end of Active Pass because of the turns.
a little inter-island ferry |
Look at that Bow Wave !! |
down the channel we went and we made the first turn and......... the
whole Ferry leaned right over. Have you been thinking about the
recent Ferry sinking incidents and wondering how they got into this
situation where a tight turn and hitting currents made the things
lean over and then flip over and then sink? Well this is probably
how. When you make a tight turn, just like in a car, there is that
centripetal force, and the entire boat leans over. It is very
noticeable. Very easy to imagine that under the wrong conditions and
just a little more lean the cars below could shift some and slide
across the deck and then you have too much weight on one side and you
lean MORE. And if the sides are open (which they are not on this
class of ferry) in comes the sea, which adds more weight and more
lean, and that is that. But not today. Today we just leaned a bit,
made our turn and then turned the other way and leaned that way and
shazam!! we were through the pass. Later, when I watched this exercise
by (perhaps a different) ferry from the surface of the pass on my
kayak I could see that the boats were not just turning and leaning,
they were actually sliding their sterns across the water. I am
thinking that the Ferrys are pretty flat bottomed and that was causing
the sliding. But they do have side thrusters, so perhaps they were
using those and doing the sliding on purpose to make the tight turn.
Either way..... pretty cool.
We are going.... |
....There |
trip from Galiano to Mayne is maybe 30 minutes, and then you are
there. You get in your car and you drive off of the Ferry and you
take the little 2 lane main road out to your camp ground. OK. Now it
is, at last, time to start your Real Adventure.
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